
Relocate data from one report to another with already performed surveys.

The backdate feature allows for administrators to correct users’ answers in survey reports. The backdate feature allows:

  • 1 & 2: Relocation of answers from one segment report to another.
  • 3: Removing answers from a specific segment report.
  • 4: Removing user participation (removing all users' answers) for entire surveys.

Note: it is not possible to backdate data that is older than 3 months. 

Additionally when relocating a user's answer to a new segment, only answers on the 1-5 scale will be relocated. This means that previous comments will stay in the original segment

1. Relocate answers from a report given by an employee within a specific segment to another

To relocate data from a specific segment to another, proceed by

  1. Go to the Users tab in the administrator menu
  2. Search for the user in question, click on the username
  3. Scroll down to the ‘Attributes’ heading
  4. Choose the Attribute of choice and add the segment you wish to relocate the answers to
  5. Click on the Clock icon and select a date prior to the survey's send-out date (typically, the day before is recommended)
  6. Click on Save

2. Relocate or delete multiple answers from reports given by employees within a specific segment/segments

To relocate or delete multiple answers from reports given by employees, proceed by

  1. Go to the Users tab in the administrator menu
  2. Click on Mass edit in the right corner
  3. Click on the checkmark ‘Include backdating fields’ under template b.
  4. Download template b. Edit users
  5. Fill in the file with your changes
  6. Upload the template in the box at the end of the page, 2. Upload template

Backdate 2

Note: There are some exceptional scenarios to consider when doing backdates through a mass edit file. See below: 

Backdating participation to "TRUE" is not an existing concept.
If inserting "TRUE" via the mass edit file and inserting a backdate date, it will delete the user's answers. 

Backdating users type attribute (Manager attribute), the entire reporting line (both up and down needs to backdated). E.g. to backdate a new managers direct report, you have to backdate:

- the direct reporting profiles,
- the manager's profile,
- the manager's manager's profile (and so on). 

3. Delete answers from a report given by an employee within a specific segment

To delete answers from a specific segment, proceed by

  1. Go to the Users tab in the administrator menu
  2. Search for the user in question, click on the username
  3. Scroll down to the ‘Attributes’ heading
  4. Choose the Attribute of choice and click on the Trashcan symbol next to it
  5. Click on the Clock symbol and choose a date before the performed survey
  6. Click on Save

backdate 1

4. Edit Participation for users 

Participation means that a user should receive the surveys sent out in the tool. If the user is on leave or ending their employment the user should not receive the surveys that are sent out. Administrators can backdate the participation of a user and set a date from when the user should not be participating in the survey. If the users have answered a survey after chosen date, the answers will be deleted. 

Backdate User Participation in a survey

  1. Go to the Users tab in the administrator menu
  2. Search for the user in question, click on the username
  3. Scroll down to Participate switch
  4. Click on the switch to turn it off
  5. Click on the clock symbol and choose a date from when the user no longer should have participated
  6. Click on Save

BAckdate 3

To backdate users' participation in batch, see point 2. 

We recommend the Backdate feature to be used sparingly.
Ensure you have updated user data prior to starting a new survey.