Customer Success and Support Plan

This Customer Success and Support Plan (the “Plan”) describes the Support Service offered by Eletive in connection with the Eletive Service as defined in the Order Form and Terms and Conditions (the “Agreement”). This Plan is incorporated into the Agreement. All capitalized terms not defined in the Plan shall have the meaning set forth in the Agreement.


1           DEFINITIONS
    1. “Business Hours” means the hours occurring between 8:00 and 17:00 Central European Time (SWE), Monday through Friday, excluding national holidays.
    2. “Eletive Help Center” means where support is given by Eletive from time to time at or such other URL as Eletive may designate.
    3. “Incident” means an Emergency, Critical, Major or Minor Incident as defined in section 5 below.
    4. “Incident Ticket” means a written report of an Incident made by Customer using the Eletive Help Center.
    5. “Response Time” means the time from the receipt by Eletive of an Incident Ticket until Eletive responds to the Incident Ticket.

2           GENERAL

Eletive will provide Support Services in accordance with this Plan which may be modified from time to time provided: (i) that Customer will receive prior notice to the Administrator(s) of such modification; and (ii) said modifications do not materially decrease the Support Service offered.



Eletive may provide onboarding support before the Start Date including but not limited to administrator training, planning, coordination, communication, and manager training through Help Center, E-mail support and Chat support.

Standard and Professional customers, as defined in an Order Form, may also have access to a personal Customer Success Manager for onboarding support before the Start Date including but not limited to administrator training, planning, coordination, communication, IT-discussions, manager training and other onboarding services, as further specified in the Documentation. The maximum number of hours for the onboarding support provided by the Customer Success Manager (or other designated representative) depends upon the number of users set out in the order form, see table below. If additional hours are requested from the Customer, Eletive may charge a fee of € 120 for every started hour. Requests for onboarding support are made by mailing to or as otherwise specified in the Eletive Help Center. Although Eletive strives to provide onboarding support as soon as possible, Eletive does not provide any guarantee with regard to the availability of the onboarding support within a certain time frame from the signing of this Agreement.


Number of users

Onboarding support hours provided

1 to 99

3 hours

100 to 499

5 hours

500 to 1 499

10 hours

1 500 to 4 999

15 hours

5 000 or more users

30 hours


Standard and Professional customers, as defined in an Order Form, may after the Start Date have access to a personal Customer Success Manager for provision of usage guidance support. The number of hours of service included each year is based on the number of users which the Customer subscribes for in accordance with the Order Form or regarding a Renewal Term, the number of users stated in the renewal invoice, see table below. If additional hours are requested from the Customer, Eletive may charge a fee of € 120 for every started hour. It also possible for the Customer to purchase Service Packages Silver or Gold which contains additional hours for usage and guiding support (See 6 Service Package). Requests for usage guidance support are made by mailing to or as otherwise specified in the Eletive Help Center.


Number of users

Usage guidance support hours provided

1 to 99

3 hours

100 to 499

5 hours

500 to 1 499

10 hours

1 500 to 4 999

15 hours

5 000 or more users

30 hours


    1. Eletive will provide Customer with access to Eletive’s standard technical support for technical errors and defects in the Service, currently consisting of the Eletive Help Center as provided on Eletive Help Center; by chat as provided on Eletive Help Center; and email at or otherwise provided on Eletive Help Center. For Professional customers, as defined in an Order Form, Eletive will provide customer with access to technical support by telephone.
    2. Eletive will provide the Customer the ability to submit technical support Incident Tickets by sending an email to, or as otherwise provided in the Eletive Help Center. Responses to technical support Incident Tickets will be provided during normal Business Hours in accordance with the Response Times specified below. In order for Eletive to initiate diagnostic work in response to the technical support Incident Ticket, the Customer must provide sufficient information to reproduce the Incident.
    3. A technical support Incident shall be classified according to the Incident Severity Levels below.

      Incident Severity Level


      Response Time


      An Emergency Incident in the Service occurs when the Customer is not able to access the Service or any major portion of it, and it affects all users. Eletive will work continually until the Service has been restored, or until the Incident is restored.

      1 Business Hour



      A Critical Incident in the Service occurs when Customer is unable to use a major portion of the Service and the Incident has significant and substantial adverse operational impact preventing any useful work from being done and no workaround is available.

      2 Business Hours



      A Major Incident in the Service occurs when certain functions in the Service, or part thereof, is affected, disabled or otherwise not in compliance with the reasonably expected Service and the Customer’s use of the Service is severely impaired or degraded.

      4 Business Hours


      A Minor Incident in the Service occurs when the Incident can be circumvented so that the core functions in the Service can be used and the function is not materially affected or where the Incident has no significant effect on the functionality or usability of the Service.

      Eight (8) Business Hours

      1. Eletive undertakes to perform the following actions in relation to each Incident Ticket:
      2. Confirm receipt;
      3. Perform diagnostic activities;
      4. Inform Customer if Eletive’s diagnostic activities indicates that there is no Incident concerning the Service; and
      5. Communicate the progress.
    4. The resolution of technical support Incidents may be made through the issuing of an updated Service. Eletive shall further advise Customer when it considers an Incident Ticket to be closed. Customer shall confirm such closure of the Incident Ticket, once Eletive has fulfilled its undertakings hereunder, such confirmation not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
    5. If Incident is caused by acts or negligence of customer, (i) Eletive have no obligation to correct the Incident; and (ii) Eletive may charge a minimum fee of € 1000, and additional € 150 per started hour, to correct the Incident.

    6. If Customer (i) believes that Eletive has failed to meet the Response Time with respect to any Incident reported, or (ii) if the quality of the support provided to Customer has not been in compliance with reasonably expected industry standards, Eletive may escalate the problem to the appropriate level of Eletive management as follows:

Escalation level

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Escalation Role

Customer Success Manager

Customer Success Department Manager




Corrective Measures

Resource Allocation

Monitoring of Progress

Corrective Measures

Resource Allocation

Monitoring of Progress

Corrective Measures

Resource Allocation


Corrective Measures

Resource Allocation


6           AVAILABILITY

Eletive undertakes commercially reasonable efforts to maintain availability of the Service at all times throughout the Term. If there is an interruption Eletive will use commercially reasonable efforts to resolve the problem and make the Service available as soon as practicable. Eletive may conduct maintenance on the Service between 12:00 a.m. and 07:00 a.m. Central European Time (CET) according to information given in on Eletive Help Center. Eletive shall use reasonable efforts to maintain uptime of the Service at 99.9% or during each calendar month. The Eletive Help Center will serve as Customer’s single point of contact regarding the availability of the Service.



Eletive services are available in three level of service packages; Bronze, Silver or Gold.

Bronze service package are included for Standard and Professional customers, as defined in an Order Form.

Silver and Gold packages are offered as supplementary options, which can be added on to customers existing service plan. 



Bronze Silver Gold 
 Onboarding Service X X X
 Communication guidance X X X
 Administrator training X X X
 Administrative guidance




 Best practice guidance  X  X  X
Feature walkthrough X X X
Result walkthrough X X X
Manager/Superuser training

X (1x1 hour)

X (2x1 hour)

X (4x1 hour)

Technical support X X X
Eletive Academy X X X
Manager workshop  

X (1x2 hours)

X (2x2 hours)

 Employee training  

 X (2x1 hour)

X (4x1 hour)

Employee branding pack  



Insight report    

X (1/year)

Prioritized technical support    


Hyper Care (stand-by support)    

X (2/year)

Board presentation*    

X (1/year)

Onsite training    

X (1/year)

Additional hours  



* Board presentation will adhere to Eletive standards and is not subject to customization.



Last updated: 2024-10-18