
Eletive supports over 40 languages and this is how to use them

These are the languages that we currently support. To mass edit users, use the language code in the table.

Code Name
en English
ar Arabic
bg Bulgarian
bs Bosnian
hr Croatian
cs Czech
da Danish
de German
el Greek
es Spanish
et Estonian
fi Finnish
fr French
he Hebrew
hi Hindi
hu Hungarian
id Indonesian
it Italian
ja Japanese
ko Korean
lt Lithuanian
lv Latvian
ms Malay
nl Dutch
no Norwegian
pl Polish
pt Portuguese
ro Romanian
ru Russian
sk Slovak
sl Slovenian
sq Albanian
sr Serbian
sv Swedish
th Thai
tr Turkish
uk Ukrainian
vi Vietnamese
zhs Chinese (Simplified)
zht Chinese (Traditional)
ne Nepali
ml Malayalam
ur Urdu
my Burmese
is Icelandic


Note: We aim to provide accurate translations across all languages. However, translations for some minority languages may not always match the quality of others. We are gradually working to enhance and refine these translations over time.