Understanding intelligent pulse surveys and the algorithm applied

Eletive's intelligent pulse survey leverages advanced algorithms to customize the survey experience for each user.

What is a pulse survey?

As the name suggests, real-time pulse surveys are conducted more frequently than annual surveys. This allows organisations to gather up-to-date insights into employee engagement and performance throughout the year.

What is an intelligent pulse and its advantages?

A pulse survey gives you real-time insights into how your employees are feeling on a frequent basis. With Eletive, not only do you get the benefits of frequently receiving data on your employees' engagement levels, but you ensure that the most relevant areas are focused on for each employee. Eletive's algorithm determines the most relevant and impactful questions for each individual, ensuring that every survey is tailored to the unique needs and circumstances of the employee. This personalized approach offers several advantages over other pulse surveys. It enhances engagement by providing employees with a survey experience that feels meaningful and relevant to them personally, while preventing survey fatigue. By asking the right questions to the right people at the right time, Eletive also helps to ensure that organizations receive more targeted and actionable feedback and helps them uncover deeper insights into specific areas of concern or opportunity. 

The question distribution 

Eletive’s engagement questionnaire consists of: 

  • 11 engagement drivers
  • 46 driver questions 

The 46 questions fit into 11 engagement drivers. The selection of drivers and questions is based on scientific research and proven theories, covering the important parts of well-being and engagement. The question battery has proven reliability and validity. The employee feedback that you receive in Eletive is designed to give you a clear view of data on all drivers.

When using a pulse frequency, the algorithm will distribute different questions between the employees. The question algorithm is designed to gather as much feedback on the aspects of your organization on the survey occasion. The question rotation algorithm is influenced by several aspects, for example: 

  • The time since the question was last answered by an employee. The longer it was, the higher probability of receiving that question.
  • If an employee would give a low score (1 or 2) to a question. For example, an employee answers 1 out of 5 on a question related to “Relationship with manager”. Eletive will then follow up with a different question within “Relationship with manager” on the next survey occasion to dig deeper and learn more. This ensures that Eletive asks your employees the right questions at the right time and enables your managers to get the most crucial data as soon as possible. The same question will not be asked repeatedly on every survey occasion. The tool will try to find the cause of the potential issue and will, therefore, work through aligned questions.

When using a non-pulse frequency, the employees will be targeted with all questions at once.

Driver coverage 

By covering all drivers as soon as possible, you will not miss important issues that may affect the engagement. You will quickly see trends to learn if you are on the right path or if you should do any corrections to move in the right direction. When drivers are covered, you will see which drivers are your strengths and priorities. These insights are an important key to take meaningful actions based on the survey outcome. The pulse frequencies enable you to quickly get high-quality reports based on feedback.