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  2. Organization
  3. Engagement Surveys & Schedules

Extend a survey

If you want to give participants more time to complete the engagement survey than originally allotted, you have the opportunity to extend the ongoing engagement survey. It's important to extend it while it's still open as the moment it closes, it will no longer be possible to reopen or extend. Once the survey has been extended, it can be a good idea to send out reminders. To extend the engagement survey, follow the steps below:

  • Navigate to Settings and Schedules
  • Click on the active schedule that you wish to extend
  • Under the Current Survey section, click on the End Date and select your new desired close date and time
    • Note that depending on the frequency, some dates are not available to avoid crossing over the next survey
  • Press Save

Currently, it is not possible to extend Custom Surveys or 360 feedback surveys once they have been launched.