
Heatmap is found by logging into Eletive and clicking on 'Heatmap' in the menu to the left. Heatmap is viewable for Administrators, Analysts, and Managers.


The heatmap feature is designed to give the viewer an overview of the different segment results they have access to. As an administrator or analyst, you have access to view all segments in the heatmap. As a manager, you only have access to view the segments that you have access to (i.e. the segments you are assigned as a manager to). 


When clicking on the heatmap you see an overview of all the segments that you have access to. On the Y-axis to the left, all the segments are presented, and on the X-axis on the top of the map the results columns are presented. The results that are viewable are Engagement index, eNPS value, Participation rate, and index per driver.


If utilizing the hierarchies functionality in Eletive you will be able to visualize them in the heatmap. For each parent segment you'll be able to see connected child segments, thus being able to drill down in the different hierarchy levels. 

In the image above you can see an example of the different parent/child segments based on the hierarchy structure:  Country  --> Department --> Team. 

When selecting segments, the segment selector will automatically select all the subordinate segments in the hierarchy. 

It's also possible to "Expand All/Collapse All segments" based on the hierarchy. 


In the top menu, you find a segment selector where you can select the segment you currently want to view in the heatmap. To choose your segment do the following steps:

  1. Click on the segment selector
  2. Click on Deselect all
  3. Select the segment you want to view
  4. Click on "Select *amount* segments"

If you want to Deselect segments do the following steps:

  1. Click on the Segment selector
  2. Deselect all, deselect all segments in an Attribute or click on the segment you want to deselect so that the checkbox is empty
  3. Click on Select *amount* segments

In the top menu, you find a Column selector. To select columns, you currently want to view in the heatmap, do the following steps:

  1. Click on column selector
  2. Click on columns you want to view
  3. Click on ‘Apply’

In the top menu, you find filtering as an option. This option will mirror the options that are made for your organization under Settings – Attribute - Filter. These filters can be used in the same way they are used in the reports.

Survey, Organization, Questions, and Trend Parameters

In the top menu, there are 3 parameter options available to enable.

Organizational survey

This parameter is available to all users who have access to the heatmap. By activating this parameter the results from the surveys that were included in the organizational report will be visible in the heatmap. When inactive you see a total of all the latest survey results in the organization.


This parameter is available to users who have access to the organization report. By activating this parameter the result from the organization report will be visible as a segment in the heatmap.


This parameter is available to all users who have access to the heatmap. By activating this parameter, the viewer sees index per question instead of index per driver in the heatmap.


This parameter is available to all users who have access to the heatmap. By activating this parameter the viewer sees the trend since the last survey.


Heatmap 2


The results in the heatmap are color-coded. When analyzing the results there might be some rows that are grey with a small line in the value box. This means that there is no data in that report to show in the heatmap. This may vary depending on the filters that are used in the heatmap currently.

When analyzing the results there is the possibility to click on the value you are currently viewing. When you click on a value you will automatically land within that segment report.

In the top right corner, the feature ‘Latest survey’ can be used to go back in time and view results until a specific date (this applies for each row/segment shown in the heatmap). You can go as far back as your first survey by using this feature.

By hovering over the segment name with your cursor you will see from which date the result is, see the image below. Note that the latest result for a segment does not have to align with when the latest survey took place. 


You can export the heatmap from the tool. To export the heatmap do the following steps:

  1. Click on Heatmap
  2. Click on Export

When exporting the heatmap a CSV file will be downloaded on your computer.


HEatmap 3